How to Properly Accessorize Your Coffee Table

One of the most common and underutilized décor items that most people have in their homes is their coffee table. Placed in the center, a coffee table is a versatile tool that not only defines the room but is almost vital in completing a room. It’s only when you don’t have one that you notice how odd a room looks without it.

On the other hand, many people do not properly capitalize on the use of a coffee table. It’s just a table, right? Nope, it can be a storage piece, a conversation item, a footrest, and so much more. To truly maximize the true potential of your coffee table, you need to accessorize it properly.

Consider the Shape

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The shape of the coffee table will play a big role in how you accessorize it. Most coffee tables are a traditional rectangle shape, whereas some can be round or oval and others can be a more unique shape, like triangular, for example. Similarly, the legs and base of the table also play a role. 

Are they short and stubby or slender and long? Are they traditionally shaped or does the table have an eccentric base? Even with an eccentric base, such as a sculpted stand or a wooden one, you can learn how to accessorize the coffee table properly after you have determined its shape and style.

It’s All about Balance

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Many people place objects on their coffee table without any thought and end up creating clutter. A simple way to avoid doing this is by focusing on balance in your presentation. Clutter can cause chaos, especially on such a small surface area. Avoid placing a number of small objects since not only do they become cluttered very easily, they are easier to knock off.

Similarly, avoid using only large objects. They end up making your coffee table disappear, particularly if you have a small one. You can also have a little fun with asymmetrical balance by picking just one side of the table to accessorize. This not only plays on negative space but also ensures you have the rest of the coffee table to use.

Make a Mental Grid

A good way to ensure that you aren’t cluttering up your coffee table is by making a mental grid of squares. To make the process easier for you, you can even tape the squares onto the coffee table to compartmentalize it properly. Note that you should use paper tape or other tape that doesn’t leave a mark or an adhesive line on your coffee table.

This process isn’t just useful when you’re dealing with an oversized table; it is useful for a small one as well. The squares form lines of sight and allow for better placement of items. Whether you are putting books, trays, vases, or trays of fruit on the table, the grid will prevent clutter and ensure balance. Spacing is also easier to do in this manner, so you don’t end up with objects that are placed too close or too far apart.

Create an Interesting Focal Point

Coffee Table Focal Point

Another way you can accessorize your coffee table is by ensuring that you have an interesting focal point at which to look. This can be done by having objects that differ in length. What this does is create a high-low focal point that is not only more interesting to look at, but also catches the eye.

A good way is to make use of different vases. For example, you can use a vase with bamboo shoots in it, which is your high object. You can then place a stout, short vase next to it with small flowers, which will draw the eye from the bamboo shoots to the vase. You can get this effect with other accessories as well including candles, books, candy dishes, and more.

Accessorize Properly

Coffee Table AccessoriesColorful accessories are one of the best ways you can make your coffee table look like more than just a table. Even if you just want to keep books on your table, try to get ones that have bright, attractive, and colorful covers. You’ll be pleased to know that many book covers are designed with this factor in mind so be sure to grab your favorite book and put it on display.

Candles, vases, flowers, showpieces, and even candy dishes are available in a lot of different colors. You can also introduce different textures into the room through metal vases, clay pots or trays, and more. When it comes to accessories, you can pick from an endless selection of colors.

Once you’re done with your coffee table, stand at the end of the room and take a picture of the table. A picture will allow you to get an outsider’s view on how the table looks and you can make any adjustments you want with ease. 

Of course, if you’re looking for a bigger overhaul in your interior design and don’t want to dive into the project alone, Romanza Interior Design’s award-winning designers are available to guide you through the process and facilitate transforming your home into a magazine showpiece.  Download the Romanza Interior Design brochure to learn more about our services.

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